New! Abra-Cadaver

When two mortal high school sophomores are hired by a world famous magician and his wife, to look after their two-and-a-half year old son, magic is shown to be more than just an illusion. Fates collide, destiny is unraveled and some surprises await within.

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Lois Crockett


Lois Crockett wrote and published Tough Luck Lane in 2017. The idea came to life when Lois needed a story for a writer’s group years ago. She really had no clue what to write and was racking her brain for ideas.That’s when one day she and her future husband went out for a drive. Just by chance, Lois’s eyes caught a street sign. It read, “Tough Luck Ln”. Suddenly a line of dialogue entered Lois’s imagination, “I was born in a trailer off of Tough Luck Lane.” 

The rest is history. She ran home and wrote the story that night! It just so happens that the story was a gigantic hit with the writer’s group. So much so that she continued to expand the story and turn it into a full novel. She really enjoyed the writing process, as it let her stay home with her father.

Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred once again reunites Tough Luck bartender Stacey Jennifer Longacre with Nicholas Densmore, International Man of Mystery and Danger. In this mile-a-minute thriller, Stacey and Densmore crush a multinational global conspiracy, round up a beaucoup badguy and – wait – do they almost fall in love? The Blue Ferrari is back, along with a Cigarette Speedboat while Stacey’s precious ’87 T-bird, The Mir, has a nice rest this time out.